54 research outputs found

    A Characterisation of Consumer Empowerment Drawn from Three Views of Power

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    This paper develops a general model of consumer empowerment based on three different but overlapping views of power and empowerment. Theories from psychology, economics and social relations suggested that four key factors described the complex concept of consumer empowerment. These factors are: ability to customize and personalise a product/service; ability to tailor price and pre and post purchase services; extent and ease of communication relevant to the purchase decision; and degree of regulation and trust in the purchase environment. The first two factors have to do with the consumers’ ability to control the environment to produce outcomes that they desire, while the last two factors have to do with interrelationships

    Study About Processes used to Synthesis ZnO NPS and Some Of its Characterization

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    المتعمقة حول الحركية الحيوية وآلية سمية ZnO. ومع ذلك ، فإن بعض طرق الإنتاج الفيزيائية والكيميائية باهظة الثمن وقد تمتص مواد كيميائية ضارة. لذلك، يهيمن على الأبحاث الجديدة تركيب الجسيمات النانوية الصديق للبيئة بسبب إجراءاتها الأبسط وتوافرها الأرخص واستقرارها الممتاز. على وجه الخصوص، أدى إنتاج ZnO NPs عبر أنظمة بيولوجية مهمة مثل البكتيريا والفطريات والمستخلصات النباتية إلى تحفيز البحث في مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات البيولوجية. في هذه الدراسة، ناقشنا العديد من التوليفات الطبيعية بوساطة المصدر من ZnO NPs ووظائفها في العمليات البيولوجية مثل التحفيز الضوئي، والسمية الخلوية ، والجراثيم ، ومضادات الجراثيم ، ومبيدات اليرقات ، والنشاط المضاد للجروح. خاتمة: لقد كان ZnO موضوع بحث مكثف لعدة عقود من أجل فهم أفضل لخصائصه وطرق تحضيره ، والتي تشمل الأساليب الكيميائية والفيزيائية والبيولوجية وغيرها. كل نهج له مزايا على الآخرين ، مثل القدرة على التحكم في نوع ودرجة النقاء ، وكذلك طبيعة وخشونة السطح. وبالتالي ، فإنه يتطلب اهتماما خاصا من المجتمع العلمي. تحقق من هذا النهج منخفض التكلفة والوقت والمواد والتكلفة لإنتاج ZnO NPs غير الضارة بيئيًا وغير السامة والمجدية تجاريًا.Background: It has been published on the physicochemical processes used to create zinc nanoparticles (ZnO NPs), as well as some in-depth investigations on the biokinetics and mechanism of ZnO toxicity. Nevertheless, some of these physical and chemical methods of production are pricey and might potentially absorb harmful chemicals. Therefore, new research is dominated by environmentally friendly nanoparticle synthesis because of their simpler procedure, cheaper availability, and excellent stability. Particularly, the production of ZnO NPs via important biological systems like bacteria, fungi, and plant extracts has stimulated research in a variety of biological applications. In this study, we have discussed several natural source-mediated syntheses of ZnO NPs and their functions in biological processes like photocatalysis, cytotoxicity, antibacterial, anticandidal, larvicidal, and anticandidal activity. Conclusion: ZnO has been the subject of extensive research for several decades in order to better understand its properties and methods of preparation, which include chemical, physical, biological, and other approaches. Each approach has advantages over the others, such as the ability to control the type and degree of purity, as well as the nature and roughness of the surface. Consequently, it requires special consideration from the scientific community. Investigate this low-cost, time, material, and cost approach for producing ZnO NPs that is environmentally benign, non-toxic, and commercially viable

    The Relationship Between the Enterprise Resource Planning System and Maintenance Planning System: An Empirical Study

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    This studys objective is to investigate the interaction between an enterprises ERP system and its maintenance planning system. The primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire in a descriptive and analytical cross- sectional survey. To accomplish the goal of this study, data collection was conducted by giving a questionnaire to a selected group of top managers, supervisors, and engineers at Lafarge Cement Jordan. The findings indicate that an ERP systems (workforce, information) component has a favorable and statistically significant link with equipment availability. The findings indicate that the (Spares Tools & Materials, Outsourcing,) component of an ERP system has insignificant effect on equipment availability. The outcome of the other model indicated that an ERP systems (Spares Tools & Materials, Outsourcing, and Workforce) components have a positive and substantial link with workforce utilization. The findings indicate that the (Information) component of an ERP system has a negligible effect on workforce utilization. A future research target for the characteristics is to expand on the present attributes by incorporating maintenance activities for vendor-supplied patches and designing and implementing a comprehensive set of paperless maintenance forms for managing and recording all maintenance operations

    Evaluating The Satisfaction of Social And Emotional Needs of Gifted Students: A Field Study for Gifted of Students in Jordan ( Retracted )

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    This manuscript was withdrawn from publication in the journal after the editorial board found that the results of the research were extracted from a master\u27s thesis (stealing from the self) without reference to this in the body of the research submitted to the journal

    Novel packet scheduling algorithm based on cross component carrier in LTE-advanced network with carrier aggregation

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    LTE-Advanced provides considerably higher data rates than the early releases of LTE. The carrier aggregation CA) technology allows scalable expansion of effective bandwidth provided to user equipment (UE) through simultaneous utilization of radio resources across multiple carriers. In this paper we propose a new packet scheduling (PS) criterion algorithm that charmingly satisfies the fairness among the different kinds of UEs by designing a weighting factor to proportional fair (PF) packet scheduling (PS) algorithms, while enhancing their throughput performance. The proposed PS algorithm is implemented and validated in a PS module for LTE\LTE-Advanced via system level simulations. Results show that PS-modified algorithms achieve higher throughput for both LTE and LTE-Advanced UEs

    Sliding Mode Controller for Electromechanical System with Chattering Attenuation

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    Electromechanical systems (EMS) may be considered as devices transforming electrical into mechanical energy. Every system that belongs to the electromechanical class can be decomposed in an electrical (ES) and a mechanical subsystem (MS). The motion control systems can be quite complicated because many different factors have to be considered in the design of electromechanical systems. These factors can be summarized as the nonlinearity, non-smoothness in its model, the uncertainty in system model parameters and non-satisfying matching condition. In this paper a new sliding mode control design approach for the EMS is proposed without neglecting the inductance in the electrical part or approximating the non-smooth perturbation. The first step in the proposed controller design consists of transforming the ES to a low pass filter (LPF) and then (the second step) designing a sliding mode controller (SMC) to the MS that will reject system model uncertainty and the effect of non-smooth disturbances. With a suitable selected LPF time constant, the SMC which controls the MS is nearly the equivalent control and as a result the chattering is attenuated greater than that in the case of classical SMC which designed by ignoring the electrical subsystem and also with a smaller control effort. The simulation results, of applying the proposed sliding mode control to an electromechanical system, show its superiority compared with classical SMC designed in two effective SMC features beside forcing the state to follow the desired position where chattering amplitude is greatly reduced with a significant reduction in control action value (approximately equal to third the required input voltage with the classical SMC)

    The Relationship of Ahul al-Bayt (peace be upon them) with the Authority in the Abbasid Era Poetry

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    تمثل السلطة أحد أهم المؤثرات الثقافية التي تؤدي دوراً كبيراً، وفعالاً داخل بنية المجتمعات على تعدد أنواعها، سواء أكانت مدنية أم غير مدنية، فهي – أي السلطة – تجعل من الفرد منقاداً لظروفها مؤيداً لها أو رافض، داخلاً في دائرة تلك السطوة تارة، وخارجاً عنها تارة أخرى. لقد خلق الصراع في العصر العباسي أجواءً تميزت بتنوع الخلاف بدءاً من الخلاف السياسي إلى الديني، وكذلك الاجتماعي، ولتحقق هذا الصراع لا بدّ من وجود طرفين متنازعين على شيء محدد يكون في نظر أحدهما أنه حق له دون الآخر، وقد تنوعت سبل هذا الاختلاف في العصر العباسي، لكن الذي يهمنا في إطار البحث هو الصراع والخلاف بين قطبي المشهد وأبرزهم العباسيون والعلويون، الذي أخذ الصراع بينهما أشكالاً متعددة فمن الصراع الفكري إلى الصراع الديني والعسكري والسياسي، ولكون العباسيين يرون أنهم أصحاب السلطة حينها كان العلويون ينظرون إلى أنفسهم بأنهم الجانب المهمش الذي مورست بحقه شتى أنواع التهميش والإقصاء، لكنهم طالما وجدوا طريقاً يثبتون فيه أحقيتهم بالأمر دون سواهم، وكان شعراؤهم في مقدمة الذين انبروا للدفاع وإظهار حقهم بوجه الخصوم وأمام من يرى ويسمع ذلك، فكان الشعر أداتهم ووسيلتهم في الكشف عن المضمر النسقي الذي قد تغافلته السلطة بوجه الخصوص وغيرها من المخالفين بوجه العموم.Authority represents one of the most important cultural influences that plays a major and effective role within the structure of societies of all kinds, whether civil or non-civil. The conflict in the Abbasid era created an atmosphere characterized by the diversity of the dispute, starting from the political dispute to the religious, as well as the social one. However, what concerns us in the framework of the research is the conflict and disagreement between the two poles of the scene, the most prominent of which are the Abbasids and the Alawites, which took many forms, from the intellectual conflict to the religious, military and political conflict. And because the Abbasids were the owners of power at the time, the Always viewed themselves as the marginalized side against whom various forms of marginalization and exclusion were practiced, but they always found a way to prove their entitlement to the matter alone, and their poets were at the forefront of those who rushed to defend and show their right in the face of opponents and in front of those who see and hear that. Poetry was their tool and means in revealing the systemic pronoun that the authority in particular and other violators in general had overlooked. &nbsp

    Determination of binary mixture of ibuprofen and famotidine by different spectrophotometric methods

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    Four simple and specific spectrophotometric methods were developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of binary mixture of ibuprofen and famotidine, using unified regression equation. The proposed spectrophotometric procedures including, derivative ratio, ratio subtraction, dual wavelength and mean centering of ratio spectra do not require any separation steps. Accuracy, precision and linearity ranges of the proposed methods were determined and the specificity was assessed by analysing synthetic mixtures of both drugs. The methods were applied to a pharmaceutical formulation and the results obtained showed that there is no significant difference between the proposed methods and the reported one regarding both accuracy and precision

    Factors Influencing Females Work Participation and Work Performance in the Jordanian Public Sector

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    With the current development and increasing participation of women in work in developed countries, we find it important to study this issue in Jordan. The objective of this study was to explore the reasons behind the lacking representation of females and their work participation in the Jordanian public sector despite the high percentage of education attainment among them. In general around the world, the increase in women’s labor force participation over the past few decades was the main driving force of economic growth. Engaging women into the work sphere as much as possible is considered part of the solution to economic problems and poverty. To achieve this, the researchers employed a comparative and experimental approach to explore the reasons behind the lacking representation of females and their work participation in the Jordanian public sector, based on the outputs and recommendations published from previous studies in this. The results reveal that economic conditions, legal frameworks that cover employment matters, social prejudices and norms towards females work outside of the house, the existence of, religious beliefs are the main specific reasons for women's participation in the labor market. The social view that females are homemakers, mother, and dependents has led to the development of public policies that while aimed at providing protection, have led to the raise in discrimination against them. It is vital to work on building awareness and attitude change about women and men’s roles among the general population, in order to facilitate the increase of female work participation. Keywords: Females, Work Participation, Work Performance, Jordan, Public Sector. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-5-03 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Vibration Control Analysis of a Smart Flexible Cantilever Beam Using Smart Material

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    This paper features the modeling and design of a pole placement and output Feedback control technique for the Active Vibration Control (AVC) of a smart flexible cantilever beam for a Single Input Single Output (SISO) case. Measurements and actuation actions done by using patches of piezoelectric layer, it is bonded to the master structure as sensor/actuator at a certain position of the cantilever beam. The smart structure is modeled based on the concept of piezoelectric theory, Bernoulli -Euler beam theory, using Finite Element Method (FEM) and the state space techniques. The number of modes is reduced using the controllability and observability grammians retaining the first three dominant vibratory modes, and for the reduced system, a control law is designed using pole placement and output feedback techniques. The analyzed case studies concern the vibration reduction of a cantilever beam with a collocated symmetric piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair bonded on the surface. The transverse displacement time history, for an initial displacement field at the free end, is evaluated. Results are compared with other works, and the control design shows that Pole Placement method is an effective method for vibration suppression of the beam and settling time reduction